Local Radio Day interview with Maggie & DJ Oz, Friday 15th October 2021

Local Radio Day 2021

Friday the 15th October 2021 was Local Radio Day and Outreach Radio joined radio stations across the country in celebrating and strengthening the connections that local radio brings to communities, local businesses and individuals.

maggie oz local radio dayThis years theme was LOVE YOUR PLACE!

Wherever you feel you belong, whatever place you love, we wanted  to know about it, and what local radio means to you.

In  The Morning Show, Maggie chatted to our founder and very patient station manager, who you will know as DJ Oz. We know him as the man who keeps us on the air, supports and encourages us presenters and generally makes Outreach Radio a wonderful place to be.

DJ OzDuring their chat, he shared with listeners what he felt makes Outreach Radio special, and different to many other radio stations, what happened to your local radio stations during the lockdown that made Outreach Radio’s “mission” all the more important, and things have happened in the radio industry in the last that year that may surprise you, shock you, or even leave you feeling cheated.

It may not be a secret if you know the radio industry, but as a regular person/radio listener living in Hampshire, there’s some unspoken truths you may be unaware of!

Arguably, you may feel that it’s nothing to care or worry about, but Oz shed light on aspects that might slightly change the way you listen to the radio in future.

Outreach Radio is viewed as a disruptor, (something were proud of), maybe even a little controversial where subjects of local importance are concerned, but as Your Truly Local Radio Station that’s run by local people for local people, we’re here to tell you the truths and facts that we hope will help you understand us better, help you understand why we do what we do, and help you understand why having your support is so important to us, and to you.

Click on Play button to listen to the interview


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