Students from Peter Symonds College take over Outreach Radio on 30th June & 1st July 2022

Peter Symonds CollegeOn Thursday 30th June and Friday 1st July, lower 6th students, (aged 16 & 17), from the “Symonds Radio” enrichment group of Peter Symonds College in Winchester took over Outreach Radio daytime for two days of live broadcasts to South Hampshire & the Isle of Wight for their Year 11 Welcome Day.

These two days were all about welcoming the next generation of students from secondary schools across the region who have just completed their GCSE examinations, and are looking at college options for September. Students from various enrichment groups at Peter Symonds College set up information and display stands in the Sports Hall, allowing Year 11 visitors the opportunity to find out more about the enrichment options available to them.

Peter Symonds College has one of the biggest programmes of enrichment activities among UK colleges, with over 170 activities from debating societies, sports and dance teams, self-defence, community volunteering, and “Symonds Radio”, allowing young people the opportunity to explore new interests, develop current hobbies, make new friends and have fun.

Students Tilly, Lilly, Onur, Alicia, Tom, Josh, and Juliet had meticulously planned the two days during their enrichment group meetings, from the music choices spanning the decades, to a well organised schedule of live interviews with college lecturers discussing courses on offer, and students from a wide variety of enrichment groups discussing what these involved.

It was a lot of fun- involved lots of Macarena dancing 🙂 – and was a nicely balanced mix of entertainment and good music, interleaved with useful and interesting information about courses and activities at Peter Symonds College.  This was the first time that these students had ever conducted a live broadcast of this nature, and they handled themselves professionally, politely and confidently. For Outreach Radio, these young people were a pleasure to support, and they were a credit to Peter Symonds College.

It was great to see these young people having so much fun, enjoying a very different perspective to the art of radio broadcasting, and amazing to see how well the knew the lyrics from songs from across the decades spanning over 60 years!

Click on the Play button to listen to the 2-part Peter Symonds College highlights programme


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