Are You Interested In Adopting Siblings?

Adopt SouthAdopt South is the Regional Adoption Agency serving Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton local authorities.

They work to provide improved outcomes for children who need secure and loving homes to flourish and be part of a family forever.

In the UK, there are over 2000 children waiting to be adopted. Nearly 900 of these young children are part of sibling groups.  Sadly, there are more children coming into care that are brothers and sisters. Since Adopt South was launched in 2019, 589 children have had families identified, of which 89 include sibling groups.  Last year, 37 sibling groups have been matched with Forever Families, but there are always brothers and sisters still waiting.

As part of the adoption application process, Rachael & Carla from Adopt South, work very closely with applicants to help them realise their potential to adopt brothers and sisters.

Please tune in to Outreach Radio at 9am on Thursday 1st September (repeated at 7pm), to listen to the special feature, where Osman will be speaking with Rachael & Carla from Adopt South about adopting siblings.

Click on Play button to listen to the interview
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