Cliff Proctor “Radio Doctor”

Cliff has been involved in broadcasting for over 25 years, and is a broadcast engineer by profession.

He has a real eclectic music taste, with favourite artists like Mike Oldfield and Jean Michel Jarre, and a real love of classical music, along with Pop, Rock, Progressive Rock and Disco.

Cliff has been involved with Hospital Radio in Warwick for 20 years and leads their Monday team for much of that time. He has conducted outside broadcasts, interviewed a Britain’s Got Talent contestant, local charities and one of Cliff’s radio hero’s, Tony Blackburn.

He has the nickname “Radio Doctor” at work, and is like the Blackpool stick of Rock, with Radio through the centre instead. Cliff was a lover of the old style commercial local radio, spending 6 weeks doing work experience at BRMB when he was 15.

He also collects Radio Jingles, and even has his own personal cut!

Cliff enjoys cycling, photography, and travelling, as well as listening to the Radio.

Email Cliff:

Despite not coming from Hampshire, we consider Cliff Proctor, Radio Doctor 🙂 to be an honorary member of our local community. He has consistently supported Lockdown FM, Outreach Radio, our team of presenters and our local area throughout the Coronovirus pandemic & lockdowns. He can be heard every every Wednesday & Thursday from 10am-midday for The Morning Mix, on Saturday from 1-3pm and every Sunday from 4-6pm for his Classic Hits show.

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