FM Coverage

Lockdown FM broadcasts on the frequency of 100.7 MHz VHF FM across Chandler’s Ford, Eastleigh, North Baddesley and surrounding areas.

We are licensed by OfCom under a temporary licence set up in light of the extraordinary circumstances of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. This license was created specially by OfCom for those wanting to provide a radio service to sharing information, news and updates about the Covid-19 pandemic with their community.

The coverage map below shows our approximate signal coverage, based mainly on information provided by listeners. Please bear in mind that the fringe areas of our signal may not be received easily, and may, for example, only work on car stereos that are more sensitive than domestic receivers located indoors.

If you have any reception information you would like to share with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Lockdown 100.7 FM Coverage Map (Please click to enlarge)
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