Onur Sen-Chadun a.k.a. The Groovy Pelican

Hi, I’m Onur. I’m 18 years old and though I’m originally from the local area, I’m studying English Literature at the University of Warwick – but that won’t stop me doing my programmes!

Some key bits so you can get to know me better: I’m almost definitely always sleep deprived and I for some absurd reason use a Walkman. I present two weekly programmes here on Outreach Radio – The Groovy Pelican show on Monday nights, and the Early Bird Musical Wormhole on a Saturday and Sunday (very early!) mornings. Monday nights I like to briefly go into the background of songs I find interesting (with the occasional rabbit hole, and obligatory Anatolian and/or Yugoslav rock song), spanning classic rock, modern psychedelia, and new releases from local artists and indie bands I find interesting. The weekend show is more or less the same but with less talking. I don’t have the capacity to talk about music in that much detail so early in the morning.

Hopefully this gives you enough information about The Groovy Pelican; if you hadn’t noticed, there is a lack of groove music mentioned above. This is because I came up with this pseudonym when I was 11 (I think I was 11, it just randomly came to me when we started Outreach, and I found a notebook declaring that I was indeed “The Groovy Pelican”, dating from 2016) , and I thought it would be funny to actually use it. Other pseudonyms include: “The Groovy Leopard (The up-and-coming, slightly worse reboot/sequel to The Groovy Pelican)” “The Funky Shark (I gave this to my friend Tom to use, but he never does)”, “The Concerningly Short Giraffe”, “Two Separate Gorrilas (Thank you very much, Mr. Apollo)”, and The Spanish Inquisition.

By the way, if you’ve missed a show, I’ve saved all my shows as playlists on Spotify, which you can check out here.

TL;DR: Strange child does radio show and tries their best not to rickroll people.

Email Onur: onur@outreachradio.co.uk

You can catch Onur every Monday evening from 8-10pm for The Groovy Pelican Show, and on Saturday and Sunday from 6-8am for the Early Bird Musical Wormhole.

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